Church Office 254-666-7722
Starting Year 15 of meeting together, That Man is You! Is a weekly men’s program meeting in Jordan Hall to watch a video followed by small group discussion and prayer. Doors open 6:00am with something to eat before the meeting starts. All men of the parish are invited.
The program content harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. It is particularly indebted to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and St. John Paul II. That Man is You! attracts large numbers of men, including younger men still actively parenting, and then transforming their spiritual lives. Independent research from a Faith Advisor to The Gallup Poll reveals That Man is You! to be one of the most life-transforming programs ever studied.
FALL SEMESTER - Journeying into the splendor of the Church exposes new depths of Catholic spirituality and devotion. The profundity of the Scriptures sets the stage for renewal of mind and heart - a new creation story, a new Adam, a new Eve, a new covenant and even a new kingdom! Prepare for the practical, the precise, the profound, and even the prophetic! That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers.
SPRING SEMESTER - Rediscover Fatherhood! Witness our most precious treasure. Encounter God the Father. Meet your spiritual father. Enlighten your mind with spiritual truths that will help transform the world. Become a new creation in Christ and allow mercy to consume your miseries. Seize the day!
Bill Leek
Phone: 254-716-3416
e-mail: [email protected]