Church Office 254-666-7722
For those women and men exploring the Vocation of Religious Orders, please refer to the Austin Diocese website at Currently, we at St. Jerome are building content for our Vocations Ministry. We hope to keep all of you informed of what is scheduled with the Parish and the Diocese. We will add content for many of the Religious Orders for both men and women to serve God in a Monastic, Contemplative, Cloistered, Mendicant, or Active/Service Life. Please come back for updates to the many Religious Orders there are in the world today. Please review this website for the activities in our Diocese on a regular basis OR simply contact the Diocese Religious Orders Office at or by contacting Sr. Silvia Tarafa, the Diocesan Director of the Office of Consecrated and Apostolic Life at 512-949-2446 or by email at sr-[email protected] for further information.