Church Office 254-666-7722
Presently, our St Jerome parish is experiencing numerous Mass Intention requests and it is our joy to accept and honor these requests. Obviously, this is evident of the faith that our parishioners welcome and appropriate with fervent hope the heavenly graces that come from the Holy Mass.
It is necessary that we issue a policy guideline to forestall a situation where some people paid up stipends for several Masses over a long period of time to guarantee Masses for the souls of their loved ones. Thereby leaving other parishioners little or no available room to schedule Mass Intentions for their departed ones, because the Mass Intention calendar is already full for the year.
Therefore, to accommodate the numerous Mass requests in a charitable manner; and in order to provide the opportunity for everyone in our St Jerome parish to schedule a Mass intention for their loved ones living and dead, and in keeping with both the diocesan norm and code of Canon Law of the universal Church, the following policies are now put in place.
A Mass Intention may be requested for a departed person, a living person who is sick or suffering, a living person who is celebrating a birthday, anniversary or wedding, graduation, thanksgiving to God for favor received, etc.
For the purpose of pastoral exigencies, most of our Masses, Sunday and weekdays will be for multiple intentions. And so, if a person gives a stipend for a Mass Intention, they agree to allow other intentions for the same Mass regardless of Mass offering (stipend) or not. This will allow greater flexibility when in emergency situations, people request a last minute Mass intention.
As stipulated by Canon Law, even though only one intention can be taken for each Mass, a single intention may be for multiple individuals in a family, for instance, for so and so deceased members of the Gregorian family. Please be sure to indicate if the person(s) for whom the Mass is requested is living or dead.
Each person or family is limited to a maximum of five Mass Intentions per year with no more than two scheduled on a weekend Mass.
As a result of emergencies and unannounced circumstances, a Mass intention may be requested and will be applied fairly by the pastor (for example for someone who suddently became sick).
As a matter of fairness, Mass Intention requests will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis and scheduled in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.
As stipulated by Canon Law and the Texas Catholic Conference, a $5 offering (stipend) will be made per each Mass Intention. However, a Mass intention request will not be denied because of the inability of someone to give Mass offering (stipend).
It is noteworthy that Canon Law requires that all stipends taken for Mass Intensions be said for the intention as designated.
Mass Intentions are open for the weekend Masses, holy days, and weekdays throughout the year. However, Mass Intentions cannot be scheduled for the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil) All Souls Day (November 2).
The Canon Law of the Church requires that one Mass Intention every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation must be scheduled for the parish (St. Jerome) which is called Pro Populo (For the People).
Because of an unforeseen human condition or circumstances, scheduled Mass Intentions are subject to change due to the priest illness, priest absence as a result of diocesan engagement, Mass cancelation due to the weather, etc. An attempt will be made to contact the concerned parties for rescheduling.
St. Jerome Mass Intention book will be open all year-round; however as per the stipulations of Canon Law, Mass Intentions cannot be scheduled for more than one year in advance.
We provide the opportunities for Masses to be booked by calling the parish offices (254) 666-7722 and by email at [email protected].
Brothers and sisters, I enjoin you with the words of St Cyril of Jerusalem (AD 386) who inclined our hearts to how at Mass both the living and dead are remembered, and how the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Lord is of benefit to sinners, living and dead. And as enjoined by St Ambrose (AD 397), “we have loved our dead brothers and sisters during life, let us not abandon them in death, until we have conducted them by our prayers into the house of the Lord in heaven.”
Please drop by the office, call into the office, or email [email protected] to schedule your intention. We will make every effort to accommodate Mass intention requests; however, adjustments may be necessary.
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