Church Office 254-666-7722
***See Printable Resources in the Side Bar
Holy Week for Little Lions
Palm Sunday: All Masses begin at the grotto. All receive palms.
Nursery open for morning Masses 8:25, 10:55am
Children’s Liturgy (11am Mass) Meet at St. J statue*
Holy Thursday:
Nursery opens (ages 0-4) 6:55pm
Mass 7:00pm
Good Friday:
Stations of the Cross Outside, 2pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet Inside, 3pm
Nursery opens (ages 0-5) 6:55pm
Veneration of the Cross 7:00pm
Easter Sunday:
Nursery is closed on Easter Sunday.
No Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Easter Sunday**
*Children’s Liturgy for Palm Sunday: Children will join in the procession from the Grotto to the St. J statue. Look for us holding a sign for CHILDREN’S LITURGY. The children will return to Mass at the offertory as usual.
**Please remember- You may bring your child to the nursery at any time. If they are doing well in Mass, but then start to melt down, just walk them over!
Parents of Young Children- Holy Week is For You Too!
As parents of young children we often live in denial that Holy Week is coming. We want so badly to fully engage in the celebrations of Holy Week as a family. But reality sets in. The Holy Week liturgies are lengthy, and there are so many! How will the 0-4 crowd handle the long liturgies? There are school nights to consider, and what about naps?. For parents of young children, the beauty of Holy week can be lost in the tidal wave of logistics. But wait! Hope is not lost! With a little bit of planning and forethought, you can have the best Holy Week ever- WITH your young children!
What does Jesus want to do in our lives (my life) this Holy Week?
Maybe Jesus is calling you to dive into the liturgies, and not miss a thing? Maybe He’s calling you to some quiet time/space whether within liturgy or not? Maybe Jesus is asking you to expose your children to all or some of the Triduum liturgies? As the leader(s) of your domestic church, Jesus is asking you to make decisions based on factors that only you can know about your family and your heart.
The beauty and the mystery of Holy Week is that the God of the universe came to be among us- to suffer, die, and rise for us. That means all of us - those of us who are 18 months old and who cannot sit still, those of us who are 5 years old and ask constant questions, and those of us who are grownups and are fully prepared to engage, body and soul in the gorgeous liturgies of Holy Week. God has given us this week to prepare well for Holy Week. Let’s make it the beautiful experience we all desire so deeply!